Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Do we fool ourselves when a series of events happen by saying, “oh, that’s just coincidence.” Meanwhile deep down inside you are thinking to yourself, “Should I be taking a hint?” How many times do things need to go wrong before I actually take one of those hints? When everything at work, despite my best efforts, goes downhill I begin to wonder whether or not I’m in the right business. These unfortunate incidences may or may not have happened more than once consecutively. Due to these and other circumstances, I find myself living on the scraps that I have managed to save up despite spending all my money on ballroom. LAME!! I think I need a new job….
I’m trying this new thing called BYUSA. A student volunteer association that allows students to “give back” to the university. They have a bunch of goals and stuff that I guess I agree with, but I wonder if those ideas get lost in the whole hype of things. I see some students trying to help out, but a lot of the people are living in their own bubble. Caught up in their own titles and whatever. Whatever…I find myself in a great situation of being able to plan a rather spectacular event. But I have all these deadlines of which I am trying to meet, yet find that I am not getting the quick responses I need to help me keep my other deadlines. I turn in a proposal to get it back 2 weeks later with a, “you need to have the revision done quickly, you’re past your deadline.” What the? Well if they would have given the initial proposal back on a timely basis, I wouldn’t be behind nor would I be up until 2am finishing it up! LAME! I think I need to use my time more wisely….
Girls…nuff said....LAME…no point in trying for any relationship.
We have all these signs that tell us what we are doing is something stupid. We just can’t get enough. We just can’t get enough. We laugh when we see someone punching somebody in the face with their own fists saying, “quit hitting yourself!” Is it only funny because we can relate so much? Why the heck do we continue beating ourselves up. Why don’t we take a hint….Read the signs…

1 comment:

Vatonurse said...

Unfortunately getting things in "in a timely manner" doesn't really work in the real world either. I was written up for not turning things in on time when they were sitting on my supervisor's desk for over a week. She would backdate things and pretend it was our fault for not getting it to her.

As for the girls, I got nothing. Leave Utah and I bet you have a better chance. Good luck!