Monday, November 10, 2008

Undecided Indecisiveness

“What movie do you want to watch?” Sputters the young man trying to probe the mind of the girl on the couch who has decided to try and make the night as long as possible for this poor boy. “I don’t really care.” The young woman lies between her teeth waiting for the guy to fall into the pit he has been digging himself all night. Why do we do this to ourselves? We ask girls what movie they want to watch with full knowledge that their response will reflect their indecisiveness as a whole. I suppose that we really didn’t need to probe the mind of the young lady…deep down we knew that they would not know what they wanted to watch. As a matter of fact, women seem to not have been able to make up their minds for millennia, while us poor seemingly “weaker” sex has to pay the price for their indecisiveness.

Who is to blame for this plague that has changed the fate of nations? Do we really believe that girls are maliciously taught how to not think for themselves? I say we begin to stand up for women rights! We should not hold it against women that they can never make up their minds about anything. We should embrace their fickle decisions as a simple fact (and plague) of life; similar to how our bodies host a multitude of bacteria…we simply can’t live without them.

So what is to be done? What can us simple men do to reverse the undecided indecisiveness of women that has been etched into the very being of the sex? I repeat, we are only SIMPLE men who are trying to eek our way through a meager existence amidst a torment of women who are trying to figure out what they want. We create fictional characters such as superman to try and show women what kind of powers we would have to have in order to suppress this pandemonium of un-decisions made by women.

MEN…we need a better plan of action. I’ve heard that support groups help people cope with drug addiction and alcoholism. Perhaps we have been looking too deep for answers, we need to go back to the basics, re-group, find strength in numbers. We cannot allow women to divide and conquer, (an idea they very cleverly took from a man) United we MUST stand.


Unknown said...

Bud, you got a lot boiling down under...but at the same time, I'm strangely comfortable with everything you seem to voice out...
It's been said that guys are the uncommitted gender, whatever; all I figure is be strong, confident, and be a Man! HooRah!

Unknown said...

No kidding, women need to just grin and bear it... They need to make a decision and then stick with it. None of this "Oh I like you, and I want you around, but... I don't want you to be around to much, oh and I don't want other people to think we're to into each other." Psssssppphhhhtttt!!! That's crap and I think women should make a decision and then put some effort into it. Yes I agree us men are simple creatures, but there is nothing wrong with that. Give us a hamburger, a good movie, and a woman who cares and we're good for a millennium.

Don't get me wrong I love the ladies I just wish they would put forth a little more effort in the whole relationship sphere. I mean they want equal rights, perhaps they should be willing to take some of the social norms and mores we men have. See how they like them apples.
Sorry boys I definitely have some stuff boiling under the surface as well but thats what support groups are for, to vent and to release some steam.

Treat Queen said...

Maybe sometimes we really don't care what movie we watch, we're just happy to be with you.

Nolan Devor said...

My favorite is when they say they don't care, but then shoot every idea you have. You asked for a reason and if they choose not to have input and be seen as uber easy-going, there needs to be some follow-through, yes?

Jenni said...

sexist much?
nice eddie. next you'll have us cooking and cleaning
: )